Dino 50K – my first ultra experience (Dino 50K 我的超马初体验)

We are Indy Chinese Runners 我们是印跑团


去年的这个时候,在跑完第一个半马比赛后的头几个星期,忽然失去了目标。反正每周也还得跑,闲得无事,不如把周末的龙润加长些,感觉一下牛人们都是怎么练的。于是,一个冬季,加上一个夏季的练习,完成了两个马拉松比赛。虽然都没有达到预先给自己设定的目标,但如果只看成绩,不看比赛的过程,结果还是可以接受的。两个都可以算是 plan B 的范围吧。其实两次没有达到预期的目标,并不是因为目标定高了,而是事出有因。两次比赛,都是因为后半程的小腿抽筋,打乱了计划,后半程的速度大打折扣。原因也琢磨了无数,还是解决不了一比赛就抽筋的问题。已经被跑友们冠上了“中华老抽”的称号了。一心要强的我,这口气有点咽得不甘心。知道12月本州有个小有名气的小超马比赛。去年跑团的王天和老李也去过。今年听说大名鼎鼎的芝加哥的驰跑团(驰跑团的缩写是CHI,既是英文 Chicago 的简写,又是拼音的驰。这个名字起得真是神来之笔!)有十来号人都要来,而我们印跑团才四人。人家开车那么远过来,而我们离得这么近,才这么几个人,怎么也说不过去啊。本来也想试试长点的距离,为以后马拉松比赛的不抽筋打点基础。又听说报名费加两天住宿和早晚餐才108刀,太值了,还能认识驰的朋友们,上!


This time last year, weeks after I finished my first half marathon race I was kind of lost. Since I will keep on running anyway, how about I run a little bit longer on weekends? Marathoners are all legends in my mind. I would like to get a taste of how running like a legend feels like. After a one winter and an entire summer’s worth of intense training, I finished two marathon races, although none of the results was what I expected. Setting aside the race drama itself, if you just look at the result time, they both were acceptable. I put them into plan B category. As a matter of fact, the reason they were below my expectation is not because I set my goal too high, rather they were due to accidents. Both were because I had calf cramping at the second half of the race, which interrupted my plan, and the pace in 2nd half was impacted. I have tried many ways to curb this. No matter what I tried appears not working so far. That is something hard for me to swallow. I heard there’s a well known mini ultra in southern Indiana in December. I knew it because both Tian and Lao Li ran it last year. This year, I also heard that the famous CHI Runners have organized 15+ people for this vs. only 4 of us will go. I feel ashamed that we have such few people while CHI Runners have to drive a long way here. I had the idea that if I ran for longer distance then my legs will become stronger. Hopefully it would cure my cramping problem. Plus after a group discount everything including registration fee, two night stay, and dinner plus breakfast only costs $108. What a fabulous deal! Let’s do it!


自从加入Dino 50/50超马群后,每天的信息量又翻倍了。可以看得出大家对这个赛事的期待。商量着怎么拼车,带什么好吃的,准备什么娱乐节目,好像更像在期待一场同学的20周年庆。还惊喜地发现,连“蓉儿和靖哥哥”都赫然在列。我也对赛事和赛道做了些研究,发现50k需要先跑一个绕湖的小圈,然后是3个10迈的大圈,50迈则直接跑5个10迈的大圈。跑圈很好,至少跑完第一圈后,后面就不会迷路了。不过每圈500多米的爬升有点让我小吃一惊。原来印第安那这个大平原也有这么大落差的地方。平常可没练过跑坡啊。这时候也只能顶着头皮上了。离比赛越来越近,大家又决定把普通的木屋升级成“豪华套间”。两晚才多出$20。这样大家就可以在一起了,热闹。周五下班后,群主明文玉开着他的豪华大雷,接上王天和我,一路狂飙,7:30到达驻地。领完号,享受了丰盛的spaghetti and meatballs晚餐。哦,这是给咱carb loading,我这才反应过来。

Settle Down

Since I got added into the wechat group for DINO 50/50, my daily wechat messages just exploded. Everyone can’t wait for the race to start. We were discussing how to carpool, what snacks to bring, what kind of entertainment to celebrate. It seems more like an upcoming college classmate reunion, than a race. I did a little research on the course map, and found out that the 50k requires an initial small 1mi lap around the lake, followed by 3x 10mi laps vs the 50mi just go with 5x 10mi laps. I like loop, cause you won’t get lost after the first one. At least I hope so. However, the 1,600 feet vertical gain is kind of surprising me. We have such a hilly place in Indiana, really? I was rarely trained with hills, but with only a couple of weeks coming, I got no choice I guess. Race day is approaching fast, we decided to upgrade our cabins to the big one. It only costs $20 more each, but then all of us can stay together rather than in separate cabins. On Friday after work, Ming Wenyu took Tian and me with his Luxury SUV, racing all the way to Pyoca camp, conference and retreat center in Brownstown, IN. We got there by 7:30. After the race BIB pickup, we enjoyed a really nice spaghetti and meatballs meal. Oh yeah, it is carbon loading time for us. Now I just realized it.

吃罢晚餐,回到住所,眼前豁然一亮。房间的布局就像一个器字,中间是宽敞的客厅,四个把角各一间简单的卧室,每个卧室里三或四张上下铺的bunk bed。这是多么熟悉的起居环境啊,快25年没有经历了!

After dinner, we entered our modern cabin, Oak. It just blew me up. It’s a huge room separated with 4 bedrooms at each corner and a giant living room in the center. The great room comes with a fireplace, a coffee pot, microwave, dorm-style refrigerator, as well as conference-style tables, padded stacking chairs and most of all, a piano! Each bedroom has 3 or 4 bunk beds. Such a memorable living environment in which I had missed for almost 25 years!

Back to where I belong, upper bunk bed 回到睡上铺的年代

和驰的朋友们寒暄以后,很快就熟了。周明和高碧波去年就来过,对这儿他们已经不陌生了。陈雅瑜和我在strava上早就互相follow,这次得以见识庐山真面目。Jim Puett是我们的CFO,负责帮我们沟通报名事宜。不一会儿,娱乐活动上场。李磊弹得一手好吉他,随着他悠扬的旋律,一首首80-90年代的校园流行歌曲被大家唱起来,《同桌的你》、《恋曲1990》、《花房姑娘》、《假行僧》、《外婆的澎湖湾》、《南屏晚钟》、《送别》、《童年》、《睡在我上铺的兄弟》,是不是很熟悉?有没有把你带回到那浪漫的、无拘无束的校园年代?

I started introducing myself to CHI runners. Soon I got to know every one of the 13. Zhou Ming and Apple Gao have been here last year, so everything’s familiar to them. Chen Yayu and I are following each other on Strava, now it’s time for me to see who he really looks like. Jim Puett is our CFO and responsible for coordinating our registration and paying our bills. We got fire started and soon here came our entertainment. Cliff is a great guitar player. Along his beautiful rhythm, came one song and the other by all of us. They were all the pop college school songs and rock back in 80s or 90s. We really enjoyed singing them because it brought us back to the romantic and carefree college ages.


Cliff’s guitar turns the clock back to 80’s 李磊的吉他把时间播回到30年前


Group photo right before the race 赛前集体合影 (17个人,一个都不能少)

3日一早,大家穿戴整齐,准备开跑前,来一张集体照。在出发集结区时,我四下观察了一下,发现李磊从头到脚装备最齐。连鞋和脚腕的结合部都套上布。一问明文玉,才知道那玩意儿叫 trail running gaiters,是防止沙砾、小石子、尘土和小异物进到鞋里的。其他人还有登山杖 trekking poles、背包水壶 hydration pack。我这些全无,只有一双新的trail run跑鞋,和我最爱的7分压缩裤,齐活。在其他选手里,看到几个上下皆短的,感觉这些人肯定是冲着前三去的。事后证明我是对的,50k的男女冠军都是上下短。

Race start

On early morning of the race, everyone got ready to start. Time for a group photo. At the race starting area, I watched around, noticed that Cliff had the most complete gears of all. There’s even cloth around his angles. I asked Wenyu about it. He told me it’s called trail running gaiters. They are used to prevent sands, small pebbles, dirt and other small stuff getting into the shoes. Others were equipped with either trekking poles or hydration backpack. I had none of those. I only came with a pair of new trail running shoes, and my favorite 3/4 CW-X compression pants, and I was all set. I looked around on other racers. There were a few wearing tank top and shorts. Those must be elites and going for top 3. I was later proven right that both 50k man and woman champion were wearing singlet and shorts.

50mi start 50迈出发
50k clan before start 50k小集体照

7:30 50迈的朋友们准时出发了,碧波和田军一马当先,冲在前面。他俩可都是精英级的选手啊。和他俩在其他跑群在一起,久仰大名。碧波刚带伤跑完芝马,以315成绩完赛。田军芝马的成绩是254。这次终于得以见到大神的真容。

The 50mi race started at 7:30. Apple and Tian Jun were among the front starters. They are elites. I heard of them from other means, had great admiration on them. Both at Chicago, Apple finished with 315 while still have leg pain and Tian Jun ran 254. This is the first time I met with them in person. Great honor!


Soon 50k started as well. Wenyu and I agreed to run together. We were not in rush. Just follow the pack in front of us. As I have never run trail before, everything made me curious. Already, within the first lake lap mile, I felt the difference. The trail was not only narrower, but also full of ups and downs. It’s completely covered with leaves. There’s one section even got covered by two big chunk of roots one after the other, making that part of the trail a hurdle track.

Wenyu and I are in small loop 文玉和我在小圈行进


Soon we got back to the start line, and began our big laps. Even though we were running in pretty gentle pace, I felt I need work harder than an usual 8+ pace long run. First mile of the big lap, the trail is broad, but you can feel the mild yet steady ascend. The pack we were in got stabilized. I know there were a few behind us, and 3 in front of us. Among the three, one girl caught my attention. She has slim, nice shape, with white tank top, black shorts, and blue compression sleeve on her left calf. She’s leading the front pack. She must be female no 1. By then, there’s no trace of any others ahead of these 3, so they were the only pack we can follow. When they ran, we ran, when they started walking, we walked. Not long after, we arrived at the first big hill. Not a good idea to run through it. Even walking was tough after awhile. Finally we made it to the top, immediately followed by the same grade big downhill. With the gravity assistance, you naturally accelerate, in the mean time you also have to control your pace so it’s not too fast. The trail is rugged and full of leaves, and has small ditch in it. If only I can be a dog, I was sure the two more legs will help greatly. As soon as we made to the bottom, a new uphill was waiting for us. So after many ascends and descends and passed two aid stations, here came the 2nd big hill. Oh my god, I couldn’t even see where the top is. It’s definitely harder and longer than the first one. Are you sure we are in Indiana?





After mile 7, I started pulling ahead of Wenyu. Then I passed the 2 guys in front of me. Around mile 9, I was back to the first aid station(So the 3rd and 1st are the same one), after that there’s a half mile long road. I was getting closer by feet to the girl with the white top. Right before the road ends, I caught up with her and started a little conversation.

“You are fast. It really saves me a lot of trouble when you are leading the way.”
“I ran last year here too, but I ran 50mi at that time. My left calf is having some trouble, so I switched to 50k this time. When you ran 5 or 6 laps, you know where you are going with eyes closed.”
“I see. No wonder you had compression on left side. Did you get the champion last year?”
“No. The woman champ was really good last year, I got second place.”
“Wow, that’s awesome! You will definitely get the first place this year.”

不一会儿,我们到了two way traffic zone。 Dino的10迈loop又分为上下两个loop,中间的一段两个方向的选手都会经过,所以叫two way traffic zone。你可以把整个路径想成是一个8字,有点像黄石公园里的公路,只不过这个8有点走样。上面的loop是个狭长的长方形,而下面的那个loop已经完全不知道是什么形状了。

We ran together for a short while. Soon we approached two way traffic zone. The 10mi lap can be divided by two laps, top one and bottom one. In the middle, there’s a section racers from both directions will pass, that’s why it’s called two way traffic zone. Just imagine the shape of the lap as a number 8, kind of like the roads in Yellow Stone National Park. However, this 8 shape is pretty off. The upper lap is a long narrow rectangle vs. the lower one is completely out of any shape I can think of.

dino course mapDino 50/50 course map

因为两个方向的选手都会经过 two way traffic zone,所以这段路也叫high five zone。两个方向的选手经过这里应该互相击掌,互相鼓劲。当时我没有意识到已经到了two way traffic zone。

“是的。你刚才是从这里下来的。这是two way traffic zone”
“哦,我知道了,是high five zone。没有人跟我high five啊”

于是她大大方方地伸出手来,给了我一个high five。

“哈哈,好主意。我叫Ming,就是那个中国的Ming dynasty”

Because racers from both directions will pass on here, it’s also called high five zone. The racers from opposite direction are supposed to high five and encourage each other. I wasn’t aware we were in two way traffic zone at that time.

“This section looks familiar.”
“Yeah, you were coming down earlier. This is two way traffic zone.”
“Oh, I see, it’s high five zone. Well, there’s no one to give high five to.”

Having heard that, she raised her arm and gave me a high five.

“What’s your name?”
“Sarka. Just remember the word Shark.”
“Ah, that’s a good idea! My name is Ming, you know, like the Ming dynasty in ancient China.”

刚才在最后一个补给站的时候,我注意到后面一个蓝衣男子慢慢地追了上来。他的样子很好记,除了蓝色上衣,黑色压缩裤显现出修长的腿,还有一头锅盖般的头发。事后知道他叫Stephen。很快能听到hard rock的音乐声,我慢慢地离开Sarka pull ahead。知道离起点越来越近了。虽然近,可是绕来绕去,总也不到。终于我领先Sarka到了起点,结束了第一圈的10迈。看了下表,显示11.34迈。Stephen也随后杀到。

Earlier at the last aid station, I noticed a guy with blue shirt was approaching slowly from behind. It’s not hard to identify him. In addition to the blue top, the black tights revealing his long legs, and most obvious of all, a lid like hair. Later I found out his name is Stephen. Upon hearing hard rock music coming from the conference center, I started pulling ahead. I knew it must be pretty close to the start line, however, it took awhile zigzagging my way, and yet to see it. After a little more than one mile, I got to where we started, and finished my first lap. It showed 11.34mi on my watch. Soon after, Stephen finished his too.


在短暂的两杯饮料的补给之后,开始了第二圈的旅程。就在这短短的一分钟不到的功夫,Sarka 也到了,不做片刻停留,又跑到了我的前面。从此,Sarka、Stephen、和我开始了漫长的你追我逐的精彩之旅。

Three way chase

After gulping down two cup of fluids, I started my 2nd lap. Within a minute, or even less, Sarka arrived as well. She didn’t stop a second. Now she’s getting ahead of me. So, Sarka, Stephen, and I started a little long but fun 3 way chase game.

慢慢地我拉近和她的距离并超过了她,这次没有做过多的交谈,专注地跑自己的路。Stephen也赶了上来,就在我的身后。第二次到达 high five zone的下行区,我发现毛成德就在前面。成德是我们跑50迈的选手中年龄最大的一位。跑过无数的马拉松,有323的PB,早就BQ了。这次是第一次尝试超马,就选择了50迈。感叹他充沛的体力和过人的勇气。不过我还是有些担心他的掉速,拍他坚持不下来。他跟我说没事,体力没问题,跑走结合就好。最终成德以14:27的成绩勇夺年龄组第一。真是老当益壮!

I caught up with her and then pulled ahead. We didn’t talk that much this time, just focusing on each one’s own run. Stephen also caught up and was just behind me. I got to the downhill portion of high five zone in second time, only to realize that Mao Chengde was ahead. Chengde is the oldest among our 50mi racers. He has ran many marathon races with PB 323, and is Boston Qualified too. This was the first time he tried out ultra, and went straight to 50mi. His endless energy and encouragement impressed me. I was a little worried about his slowing down this early and might not be able to finish. He told me not to worry. He felt ok. As long as he alternates run and walk he should be able to make it. Chengde eventually finished with 14:27 and AG no 1! Really nicely done on his first ultra!


Once again, I got to the aid station along side the road. I would not like to rush myself and made sure I restock enough fluid and energy. The aid station was now out of GU energy gel, so I grabbed a chocolate bar, and taking my time drinking fluid. Stephen has got here before me and left soon after. Well, Sarka wasn’t here yet, what’s the rush? As I weren’t even done with the second cup, Sarka arrived. We greeted each other. I thought she would stop and replenish just like I did. I then could say bye to her and start off. Well, she simply moved on without any stop. By the time I started again, she’s out of my sight. I was the last among the three again. Great job, Sarka! Here comes chase again. After another short road run, I got her right before the stone stairs. Then followed by the sky high second hill and immediately the third one. After some climbing which I could not memorize which one exactly, I felt quite strong sour on my thighs. I stopped a short while, turn around to see where Sarka was. She’s about a couple of hundred feet behind and below. Maybe she thought I stopped waiting for her, or maybe she thought I was exhausted, no matter what it was, She spoke very lound to me “GO!”. Having been encouraged by her, I got energized instantly and carried on. Eventually she faded away.

再一次到了第一个补给站,Stephen刚补给完出发,我又开始了我不紧不慢地补充。三种饮料,Gatorade, Heed, 和水,一定要一样来一杯。这时Sarka再一次如幽灵般地杀到,和前面一样,未做任何停留。连补给站的志愿者似乎都看出道道了,在那里嘿嘿地笑。我只好一耸肩,自嘲地对他们说 “I’m waiting for her, but she’s not waiting for me.”。再一次,我成为三人中的落后者,在这段0.5迈的公路上向他俩追去。

I once again got back to the first aid station, and saw Stephen just finished his replenishment. I started my not-in-hurry mode again. There were three type of fluids, Gatorade, heed, and water. I always would get one of each. Then Sarka approached like a ghost. As exactly previous occasions, she did not stop! This time around, even the aid station volunteers realized something, and were smiling. I shrugged it off, and said to them “I’m waiting for her, but she’s not waiting for me.”. Once again, I fell to the last among us three. I then chased my way on the 0.5mi long road.

Finishing 2nd lap, Stephen following right behind

Sarka arrived soon after

依然是在这个high five zone,我又实现了赶超。音乐的声音让我继续奋勇向前,而Stephen就在我的身后紧紧跟随。终于又回到了起点,第二圈结束了,还剩下最后一圈了。心里充满了兴奋。 开始感觉有些热,嗯,向女神看起。冲进室内的集结区,脱去长袖外套和手套。一找短裤,发现落在宿舍里,只好作罢。

Again at the high five zone, I did my catch up. The music made me unstoppable. Stephen was inches behind me. Finally I made to the start line and finished my 2nd lap. Knowing there’s only one more lap, I felt a little excited. I started getting hot. Right, let’s follow Sarka’s suit. I rushed into the gathering area inside, took off long sleeves and gloves. I was going to put on my shorts, but then I realized I left them in the cabin. Oh well, nothing I could do much about it.


The third lap here we came. I started feeling wearing. I could not keep sustainable run like last two laps anymore, and had to stop and catch up with some breath then move on. Having climbed the first hill, I met Zhou Shaoping, Chen Yayu, and Huang Rong. Rong sprained her angle at mile three. Since then, Shaoping and Yayu were accompanying by her. It’s been a long day for them, but at last Rong finished with 12 hours, and Shaoping and Yayu finished with 12:17. This is the first ultra for all three as well. The other two 50 milers, Geng Jing and Zhou Haiyu, were running together at final laps. They got to the finish line 13 minutes before closing! Congratulations to them all! After taking a photo with Shaoping, I continued my chasing journey.

With Shaoping


A short while after, I met Zhu Jiang and Jim. This is also their first ultra. Before I got to the first aid station, I could see Stephen was ahead. Then I caught up with him just before the stone stairs. He looked pretty tired then. I climbed with him for a little while and said hi. We both wish the race could be ended sooner. The third time passing on the 2nd and 3rd hill, I had to make a lot more stops than before. After I got to the top of third hill, I looked back, and could not see Stephen anymore.


前方依然不见Sarka的痕迹。按说她也应该慢下来了吧。Stephen不是已经累了,我也累了,你也该累了吧(怎么感觉像是在《追捕》)。 就在自己瞎琢磨的时候,又到了公路边的补给站。这一次,我没有停留,大步继续在公路上奔跑。因为我知道,还有2mi就要到终点了。身体状态似乎又有些恢复。慢慢地,两个身着红衣的少年在我前面晃动。我虽然可以一点一点地追上他们,但看得出他俩的步伐非常稳健,一点没有疲惫的意思。在公路的终点,拐上high five zone的地方,我看出来了,会心地一笑,是周明和王天。这哥俩自结识一年多来,一起经历了多个比赛,风雨同舟,已经有了默契。衣着一样,步调一样,连身材也快差不多了。看来这个high five zone真是我的福地,不仅两次和Sarka、Stephen同跑在这里,又和周明、王天不期而遇,我还两次和海玉在这里擦身而过,互相鼓劲,而且还迎面碰上过50mi的女一号,来个high five。最后的一段,我们仨跑在一起。转过那颗熟悉的大树,就要到终点了。开始加速冲刺,很多人在为我鼓掌加油,其中有一位白衣女孩,那是Sarka。终于到了终点,手臂在空中奋力一挥, I made it!

The duo in red

Still no trace of Sarka ahead. It’s my gut feeling that she probably would be slowing down by now. Stephen got tired, I got tired, shouldn’t she be tired also? While my mind was going through some wildness, I realized I was right at the ever so familiar aid station on the roadside. I didn’t stop this time as I know there’s only 2 miles to the finish line. I steadily picked up my pace as my body started feeling better now. There were two guys dressed red in front of me. Feet by feet, I was getting closer. I could tell the duo’s pace was firm. They didn’t show any sign of weary. At the end of the road, where the course turns to the high five zone, I can identify them. It’s Zhou Ming and Wang Tian. The duo had been known each other for about a year and half. They had gone through many races together. There’s some kind of harmony between them now. Same dressing, same pacing, even their body shapes look close now. It seems the high five zone was my lucky place. Here, not only I ran with Sarka and Stephen twice together, I bumped into Ming and Tian, twice I ran across with Haiyu, but also I ran across with the 50mi woman champion with high five each other. At last mile, three of us ran together. After turning around the familiar big tree, there’s the finish line. I started accelerating. I saw people cheering for me. Among them, there’s Sarka. Finally I came to the finish line, swing my right arm down, I made it!

Arrive at finish line

Ming and Tian finished their 3rd lap


While I was reporting to the desk after finish line, they informed me that I was the age group champion. That was indeed a big surprise to me. Then Sarka walked over and congratulated me. It’s so nice to see her! I gave her a hug and congratulated to her too, the 50k woman champion! Later on when I saw the results, I realized that even though her time is 9 minutes faster, she pulled 10 minutes just in last lap. The time on each lap is very even, almost perfect. No wonder she’s the champion. It appears to me that she kept her pace down in first two laps on purpose. That’s what an elite is! Stephen made to the end 7 minutes later. Even though we all ran together in first two laps, it is the last lap that would distinguish three of us. Just as the old idiom says he who laughs the last laughs the loudest.



Because of you

In the evening, we got back to our Oak cabin, started enjoying our “Lang Lang” master Ou Jingsong’s melodious music. Jingsong has started his piano learning since young. Ten years of playing made him a real pianist. The Richard Clayderman romantic style melodies from his hands were just soul touching. The day before, I had to leave home at 5am to drive to Detroit and made sure I came back before 5pm so I can meet with Tian and Wenyu. Nine plus hours driving and the intense race earlier that day made me very tiring. I know Prof. Mao, Rong, Jing and others were still trailblazing their way with headlights in the darkness, I couldn’t help but fall to sleep and haven’t woke up until next morning. Oh, I forgot to mention, the acronym CHI has another meaning, that is eat in Chinese. It’s absolutely necessary for runners!

期待已久的DINO比赛加聚会结束了。大家相约明年再聚首。跑步是一个人的运动,也可以是集体运动,更是social的盛宴。一年多来的跑步经历让我认识了很多朋友,从印跑团, Carmel Runners,Indy Runners,PBT,驰跑团,到很多我未曾谋面的微信群的朋友们,以及翠花上的followers。还记得一年前,在我的首半马后的感言中,提到我比赛中碰到的一位,在40度的气温下(提醒,是℉,不是℃),光着膀子,露出古铜色皮肤的小个神人吗?半年多后,我在PBT的训练中再次和他相遇。他叫Mohammad Latifi。和他聊起那场比赛的经历,我们相视一笑。还有很多很多其他的人物、故事,都让我热爱、珍惜跑步给我带来的快乐。


The long expected DINO ultra race and party was over. We all agreed to come back again next year. Running is a solo sports, but could be a group sports too. It can also be a social event. A year and half running gets me many friends. From Indy Chinese Runners, Carmel Runners, Indy Runners, PBT, CHI Runners, to many wechat friends and strava followers whom I have never met. In the race report I did for my first half marathon race last year, I mentioned a guy, who was half naked under 40 degree (that is ℉, not ℃), revealing brown sun tanning skin. This summer, I met him again during PBT training sessions. His name is Mohammad Latifi. I talked with him about the race, we both laughed. And many many more people and stories, made me love and care more the happiness I got from running.

Because of you, my friends. Thank you!